If someone could forward this to ebxml-dev, I'd apreciate it.
Matthew MacKenzie wrote:
> A reoccuring issue for those who are new to ebXML Messaging is the
> lack of a standardized API into the backend of the messaging system.
> By 'backend', I'm referring to the application binding side of the
> server. The API that an application such as an EJB or perl module
> would need to use in order to register itself with the messaging
> service, forward outbound messages to the MSH for delivery to, and
> receive inbound messages from the MSH.
> We at Yellow Dragon have created our own proprietary API for
> integrating MSH services into business logic, and I am sure all of the
> other vendors (there are at least 12 of you) have done the same.
> Is there any interest among vendors and other parties to start work on
> a standardized API?
Matthew MacKenzie
Yellow Dragon Software Corporation
m: +1 506.869.0175