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Subject: Re: [ebxml-msg] CSMA Back-Off Algorithm
At the ebMS face to face meeting last week in Ottawa, improving the retry
mechanism popped up as an issue we would like to address.
The Back-Off algorithm in CSMA seems like suitable prior art to consider in
this issue. Consider the following:
"A reliable message exchange that must complete within 2 days. If the
remote party is unavailable, try to retransmit every 30 seconds."
Expiration (e) = P2D
Retry Interval (ri) = P30S
If the remote host experiences an extended period unavailability, valuable
CPU and network resources are wasted on the sending side for 2 days just to
figure this out. If we apply a back-off algorithm, we can at least reduce
the time allotted to transmitting or attempting to transmit a message to a
host that is not available.
So, with a modified back-off algorthim, we would have:
Expiration (e) = P2D
Retry Interval (ri) = P30S
Back-Off Multiplier (bom) = 1.5
Multiplications before reset (mbr) = 10
Given the above, transmission attempts would look like:
ri+0s: transmit
ri+30s since last transmit
ri+45s since last transmit
ri+67.5s since last transmit
ri+101.25s since last transmit
ri+151.88s since last transmit
ri+227.81s since last transmit
ri+341.7s since last transmit
ri+512.6s since last transmit
ri+768.9s since last transmit
(reset occurs, ri=0)
This cycle would continue until the point of expiration. I've added the
"reset" so that messages with shorter expiration periods have a reasonable
chance of being transmitted. If we ran without the reset in a situation
where the expiration period ended in 2 days, it really wouldn't take long
before ri reached a point beyond 2 days (172800s).
Regards, Matt
On 6/19/04 10:11 AM, "Patrick Yee" <> wrote:
> Hi,
> This is a very interesting proposal. May we know how the CSMA algorithm
> helps to improve the retry mechaism?
> Regards, -Patrick
> Matthew MacKenzie wrote:
>> On the topic of improving our retry algorithm, I think a variant of the
>> Back-Off algorithm used in Carrier Sense Multiple Access may be suitable.
>> Me may want to specify a "reset interval", so that the delay does not built
>> up to such a high number that the message is never transmitted after an
>> extended loss of connectivity.
>> "Each sender will delay after a collision before attempting to retransmit.
>> If they will delay for the same time, another collision will occur. That¹s
>> why each sender chooses a random delay between 0 and d (d is some standard
>> delay value). If, nevertheless, another collision occurs, each computer
>> doubles the range from which the delay is chosen, that means, the random
>> delay will now be between 0 and 2d. If another collision occurs the range
>> will be between 0 and 4d and so onŠ After each collision the range of the
>> random delay increases exponentially, therefore the probability of collision
>> rapidly decreases and after few iterations becomes negligible."
>> ___________________________
>> Matthew MacKenzie
>> Senior Architect
>> IDBU Server Solutions
>> Adobe Systems Canada Inc.
>> +1 (506) 871.5409
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>> OASIS TC), go to
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Matthew MacKenzie
Senior Architect
IDBU Server Solutions
Adobe Systems Canada Inc.
+1 (506) 871.5409
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