OASIS ebXML Messaging Services TC

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CPA & MS (was RE: Threat assessment,some dissent RE: [ebxml-msg] security pro blem with ebXML MS)

  • 1.  CPA & MS (was RE: Threat assessment,some dissent RE: [ebxml-msg] security pro blem with ebXML MS)

    Posted 11-12-2001 16:14
    Thanks for responding to this question.
    I have a follow-up question.
    Within Registry TC, we spec'ed Registry to
    work with any type of contract. 
    I would guess
    	CPA + MS
    	Other contract + other (non MS) transport
    	CPA + other (non MS) transport (is it possible?
    would be the only viable combinations as per CPA spec? 
    In particular,
    	Other contract + MS
    would not work (as per your statements below).
    Please confirm.