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ebxml-msg message
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Subject: [ebxml-msg] [Fwd: [ebxml-dev] HOW TO INDICATE DIFFERENTACKNOWLEDGMENTS IN ebMS]
Should we consider incorporating some of this BPSS stuff? See attached
message for details.
--- Begin Message ---
>From the ebMS specification, Acknowledgment messages are denoted with an Action
value of "Acknowledgment". From what I understand, BPSS specifies a further 2
acknowledgments i.e. Receipt Acknowledgment and Acceptance Acknowledgment. I
would like to know the Action values for these 2 acknowledgments wwhen composing
an ebXML message? This is not specified in the ebMS specs. My guess is that
the action values would be ReceiptAcknowledgment and AcceptanceAcknowledgment
respectively. Can anybody verify this with me?
--- End Message ---
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