OASIS ebXML Messaging Services TC

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  • 1.  SMTP support in ebMS 3.0?

    Posted 03-30-2007 15:46
    Hi ebMS Team
    One question I have for the TC:
    "Is SMTP supported as a first class transport protocol in ebMS 3.0"?
    If not than I can see a problem for two SME's which do not have an
    always on HTTP server.
    With ebMS 2.0 an SME can always use SMTP to make sure he can go online,
    send the ebXML message to the receivers SMTP server and go offline
    again. And the receiver can go online, check with its SMTP server for
    new ebXML messages, process them and go offline again. Often the SME's
    have regular email (maybe from their Internet Service Providers or
    someone hosting their website and doing their email) and hence would
    also have an "ebXML message" email address. 