OASIS ebXML Messaging Services TC

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Allowing payloads in SOAP body discussion notes

  • 1.  Allowing payloads in SOAP body discussion notes

    Posted 08-19-2003 22:50
     MHonArc v2.5.0b2 -->

    ebxml-msg message

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    Subject: Allowing payloads in SOAP body discussion notes

    I think I agreed to write up some notes on what it would take to allow
    payloads in the SOAP body in contrast to the current recommendation to
    put it/them into body part(s).
    I have attached a survey of most of the places that would need some kind
    of change. There may be another place or two that would need an edit.
    This issue may be beyond ordinary maintenance technical and editorial
    fixes, but I hope it can be considered the next time we want to have a
    substantive refresh and update. 
    Dale Moberg
     <<Allowing payloads in  SOAP body.doc>> 

    Allowing payloads in SOAP body.doc

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