DO NOT FORGET - NEXT MEETING IS VOTING - non attendance without notice may
affect your voting rights.
The minutes of Monday October 15 tele conference are on our web site at:-
If you are not on the attendance list or I have your name wrong I am sorry
but please tell me so that we have an accurate record.
In line - not formatted.
Conference Call 10/15/01 Minutes
Hosted by Sun (Chris Ferris)
David Burdett
Arvola Chan
Sanjay Cherian
Colleen Evans
Chris Ferris
David Fischer
Ian Jones
Brad Lund
Bob Miller
Dale Moberg
Bruce Pedretti
David Smiley
Jeff (Turpin) (sp?) - Please confirm/correct
Dan Weinreb
Pete Wenzel
Prasad Yendluri
Agenda Items
1. Roll Call - see above
2. Conference call Schedule - all calls 10:00 Pacific/1:00 Eastern Monday
October 22 - Hosted by Colleen Evans - Sonic Software - Voting
October 29 - Hosted by Dale Moberg - Cyclone
November 5 - Hosted by David Smiley - Mercator - Voting
3. Version 1.1 specification editing -
3.1. Everyone seamed reasonably happy about the re-organization of the
messaging specification.
3.2. Discussion on the continued need for the delivery receipt resolved to a
proposal to be posted to formally request its removal via a vote on the next
3.3. The need for and use of multiple signatures in the same message was
discussed along with methods for not invalidating the earlier signatures.
The current suggestion is to exclude all elements with an Actor of Next from
the required transform. - Chris will post something to the list for people
to consider.
3.4. TraceHeader List - re-word the description to clarify function and use.
3.5. Discussion on the Ack requested ( 1or 2 intermediate or "to" point) and
the retry interval. If both an intermediate and "to" ack's are requested do
we need 2 retry intervals if only one to which ack does it apply? No final
decision but consensus moved toward only allowing the "from" to specify 1
type but intermediates to add the other if they wished. Anyone allowing
both would need to define how they handled it as it is out side the scope of
the specification.
3.6. Delivery failure notifications may be signed if there is a concern of
"man in the middle" security attacks.
3.7. Discussion on Sync reply mode if HTTP is the underlying transport it
may be possible to send a sync reply response without the business
acknowledgment. This may require extra clarification as the solution must
be non transport specific and may need to detail the possible conditions as
it is very likely that a "circuit" may be broken at some point while waiting
for a business level response if we support many second transactions. The
failure could be at any point in the network for any reason and rises with
the number of networks/distance involved.
4. Arvola will issue a list of topics/issues to discuss AND RESOLVE on next
weeks call later this week - please be prepared.
5. Next face to Face - Chris Ferris and David Burdett will investigate a
video conference link to allow people to attend a location on either coast
as members are equally split over location.
Next call October 22 @ 10:00 Pacific, 1:00 Eastern
Ian Jones
Chair OASIS ebXML Messaging Services TC
Tel: +44 (0)29 2072 4063
Fax: +44 (0)29 2072 4137