If you do some thinking about all the things that might differ between
applications, you might reconsider wanting a CPA to cover an entire
enterprise. There is nothing to stop a CPA between two parties from
including more than one BPSS description but it probably wouldn't be too
Content-based routing requires function that understands the content.
That's usually viewed as application function, not message routing.
Martin W. Sachs
IBM T. J. Watson Research Center
P. O. B. 704
Yorktown Hts, NY 10598
914-784-7287; IBM tie line 863-7287
Notes address: Martin W Sachs/Watson/IBM
Internet address: mwsachs @ us.ibm.com
"Burdett, David" <david.burdett@commerceone.com> on 11/12/2001 04:59:39 PM
To: "'Dan Weinreb'" <dlw@exceloncorp.com>, "Burdett, David"
cc: ebxml-msg@lists.oasis-open.org
Subject: RE: [ebxml-msg] RE: The Return Path Problem
I agree with your definition of a "Party", and yes I assume that there is
only one MSH within a party that implements a Service and Action. I also
agree that we need to be more explicit about what is (or is not) a Party
However I don't think that limiting a Party to one MSH Service and Action
necessarily a problem as:
1. A Party can represent a division of a company (as in DUNS+4)
2. If you need more than one MSH for a Service and Action within a company,
then you do content based routing where some other data (perhaps in the
payload) is ued to do the second level routing.
I also think that a CPA should be between businesses and not between
applications as the maintenance level required by the keeping CPAs between
individual applications is too high. What I think Marty's suggestion
would mean you would have to update your CPA with a business if you wanted
to do a query for a new reason.
I also agree that Service and Action are "what" type information and that
need the "how". It's just that I think you should be able to dervice the
"how" dynamically from the "what" rather than just ignore the "what" for
routing purposes.