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[ebxml-msg] December 4th Call details

  • 1.  [ebxml-msg] December 4th Call details

    Posted 11-25-2002 12:27
     MHonArc v2.5.2 -->

    ebxml-msg message

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    Subject: [ebxml-msg] December 4th Call details

    Here are the dial-in details for the December 4, 2002 call:

        Time: 1PM Pacific, 4PM East coast, etc.

        US: 1-866-257-0472

        International: 720.587.0509

        Code: *6271676*



    Jeff Turpin
    Senior Software Engineer 
    Cyclone Commerce, Inc

    (    Phone:      (480) 627-1846 
    *   Email:       jturpin@cyclonecommerce.com

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