OASIS ebXML Messaging Services TC

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Re: T2 SyncReply and ReliableMessagingMethod in QualityOfServiceInfo

  • 1.  Re: T2 SyncReply and ReliableMessagingMethod in QualityOfServiceInfo

    Posted 08-08-2001 22:02
    Sorry for the delayed response. I agree with you that the Via element should
    be used exclusively for those cases where intermediaries are involved.
    Therefore, it makes sense to move the syncReply and ackRequested attributes
    to be under the QualityOfServiceInfo element.
    Since there already is a deliverySemantics attribute under the
    QualityOfServiceInfo element, and the reliableMessagingMethod attribute can
    vary from one hop to another, I think reliableMessagingMethod should stay in
    the Via element.