OASIS ebXML Messaging Services TC

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somewhat urgent: XML 2003 cross-TC demonstration proposal

  • 1.  somewhat urgent: XML 2003 cross-TC demonstration proposal

    Posted 09-15-2003 23:58
     MHonArc v2.5.0b2 -->

    ebxml-msg message

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    Subject: somewhat urgent: XML 2003 cross-TC demonstration proposal

    Attached please find a draft proposal for a demonstration involving 
    ebXML Messaging at XML 2003 [1].  The proposed demonstration involves 
    several other OASIS specifications as well -- ebXML CPP/A, SAML, XACML 
    and ebXML Registry / Repository at this point.  This proposal is the 
    output of a collaboration between Farrukh Najmi, Seth Proctor and Anne 
    Anderson of Sun Microsystems but is certainly *not* intended to be 
    Sun-specific, nor is it etched in stone.  Any roles, role assignments 
    and scenario details in the attached PDF should be taken as a starting 
    point; we look forward to participation and comments from the various 
    TCs (and their membership) whose specifications are showcased in the 
    The demonstration itself would likely be part of a larger OASIS 
    Interoperability demonstration in the theatre at XML 2003 (Philadelphia 
    between 7 and 12 December).  If that is the chosen venue, Dee Schur 
    <dee.schur@oasis-open.org> would like an abstract by 29 September.
    Currently we have 4 companies signed up to participate.  We welcome 
    additional participants.  Any other company interested in participating 
    should contact Farrukh Najmi <farrukh.najmi@sun.com> by COB Wednesday, 
    September 17 and let him know what OASIS specification(s) they are 
    interested in demonstrating as well as provide any other comments and 
    [1] http://www.xmlconference.org/xmlusa/
    SunNetwork 2003 Conference and Pavilion
    "An unparalleled event in network computing! Make the net work for you!"
    WHEN:  September 16-18, 2003
    WHERE: Moscone Center, San Francisco
    For more information or to register for the conference, please visit:


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