OASIS ebXML Messaging Services TC

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No call this week and Homework!

  • 1.  No call this week and Homework!

    Posted 11-02-2004 16:45
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    Subject: No call this week and Homework!

    	as many of the usual attendees are at WS-I or other meetings and no real responses that we should hold a call this week (Wednesday November 3).  I will not call one - however will people please read and consider the Pull document submitted by Iwasa (Thank you) as well at the use of SOAP 1.1 and Soap 1.2.
    	Matt and Jeff have already made comments to support staying with SOAP 1.1 but I would like others opinions and comments as this is a change of our stated strategy. 
    Ian Jones
    Chair OASIS ebXML Messaging Services TC 
    Email: ian.c.jones@bt.com 

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