OASIS ebXML Messaging Services TC

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  • 1.  Re: PIP IDs

    Posted 07-31-2001 09:33
    See my notes below <srh>.
    Scott Hinkelman, Senior Software Engineer
    XML Industry Enablement
    IBM e-business Standards Strategy
    512-823-8097 (TL 793-8097) (Cell: 512-940-0519)
    srh@us.ibm.com, Fax: 512-838-1074
    christopher ferris <chris.ferris@east.sun.com> on 07/31/2001 04:12:58 AM
    To:   "Burdett, David" <david.burdett@commerceone.com>
    cc:   Martin W Sachs/Watson/IBM@IBMUS, "'Arvola Chan'" <arvola@tibco.com>,
          David Fischer <david@drummondgroup.com>, ebXML Msg
          <ebxml-msg@lists.oasis-open.org>, Pete Wenzel
          <Pete.Wenzel@RosettaNet.org>, ebxml-cppa@lists.oasis-open.org
    Subject:  Re: PIP IDs
    Please see my comments below.
    "Burdett, David" wrote:
    > Hi Marty ...
    > I think there is more of a inconsistency rather than a separation between
    > the specs. As using the CPA and the Messaging specs together is not easy.
    This has not been my experience. Quite the contrary I find them
    quite complementary. If the statement is more along the lines of:
    "we find it difficult to modify our implementation to leverage a CPA..."
    then that may be so. However, a blanket statement such as the above
    needs substantive evidence to back the (fairly inflamatory, IMO) claim.
    <srh> This has not been my experience either. Engine logic is nicely driven
    by external an configuration file, which at the software level is what a
    is. However, David's words "not easy" I will interperet to mean as "alot to
    buy into", which I would agree to. The CPA is not simple, and there has
    clear feedback in the Dallas meeting along the lines.
    I would add also that a good msh engine design that needs configuration
    information would abstract away the detail of the CPA, and allow obtaining
    that information from alternate places. For this design reason, I am not
    in favor of *explicitly requiring* a CPA.
    > How about the following as a way forward ...
    > 1. The Messaging Specification:
    >   a) Identifies the set of parameters that need to be agreed/shared for
    > to interact successfully and that this information can be held:
    >     i) within the ebXML Message Header, or
    >     ii) elsewhere as separately agreed
    >   b) States that the CPAId identifies the values to be used for the
    > information that needs to be agreed.
    The specification pretty much does this now, and that IMHO is part of the
    problem. I think that rather than make continuted efforts to further
    separate these specs, we should instead be working more closely
    to align them and to make the use of a CPP/A more compelling.
    <srh> I agree it should be as *aligned* as possible. That *could* mean some
    common structure for fundamental information. That type of approach would
    indeed make the CPA more compelling.
    >   c) States that **a** method of representing and exchanging the data
    > needs to be agreed is defined by the CPPA specification
    > 3. The CPPA specification describes how those MSH parameters can be
    > and linked and related to a business process/transaction, etc
    > I think that could meet all of our objectives. Does this make sense?
    I disagree that it meets our objectives.
    A natural aspect of any b2b exchange is that there is an AGREEMENT
    between the parties. Even an IMPLICIT agreement is an AGREEMENT.
    <srh> I agree.
    I will grant that without a dynamic negotiation
    capability, that certain use cases are made more difficult. I DO agree
    that we should resolve this as part of the work going forward.
    I also agree that we should look to making the CPP/A as well as the
    Message Service headers more generally useful by making them more modular.
    <srh> absolutely.
    Finally, I also agree that we should be looking to make the
    Message Service and the CPP/A more useful/applicable in multi-hop
    environments. I don't think that we've really done this area
    effectively as we were possibly too focused on getting the
    point-to-point usage right.
    > David