OASIS ebXML Messaging Services TC

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RE: T2: ackRequested attribute in Via element

  • 1.  RE: T2: ackRequested attribute in Via element

    Posted 07-30-2001 15:52
     MHonArc v2.5.2 -->

    ebxml-msg message

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    Subject: RE: T2: ackRequested attribute in Via element

    Setting the ackRequested to Signed or Unsigned is a decision that the designer (and/or implementer) of the business process makes when they design or build a business process collaboration or business process transaction. Factors that need to be considere include (IMO):
    • The natuure of the business process/transaction - e.g. payments probably need to be secure
    • The requirements of the individual trading partners
    I think what would be really useful is to have a guide that describes how to design a business process/transaction using ebXML Messaging. Do you agree? If so hould it be in the 1.1 spec or something separate.
    I think that if an error is dicovered then including the ackRequested set to true on the error message runs the risk of a never ending series of messages. The only use cases to consider are where a message is being sent reliably in which case ...
    • If the message that was in error has ackRequested set to Signed/Unsigned and the error message sent in return is lost, then the sender of the original message will resend it which will cause the error message to be resent - see example 1 below
    • If the message that was in error has ackRequested set to None (e.g. it is a synchronous resposne) then sending the error message with Ack Requested set to Signed/Unsigned makes sense otherwise the sender of the error message will not know if the message was delivered - see example 2 below
    Message (with error)(AckRequested=S/U)---------------------->
    <---------------ErrorMessage (Includes Acknowledgment element)
    Message (no errors)(AckRequested=S/U)------------------------>
    <-------Message (with error) (Includes Acknowledgment element)
    Error Message (AckRequested=S/U)----------------------------->
    <---------------Message (Includes Acknowledgment element only)
    A general rule (it's somewhere in the spec but I can't immediately find where) says that if you find an error in an error message then you don't respond with another error message and sort out the problem by some other means.