This mailing list (ebXML Messaging Technical Committee) is currently open to
all OASIS members which is not in accordance with the OASIS TC process
without a formal vote to make it open to all, the default is to restrict it
to People Eligible To Participate i.e. those attending the initial meeting
and any others who have requested the chair to participate. For full
details please read the TC process document on the OASIS-OPEN.COM web site.
After discussion on the conference call on Monday I am formally proposing
that we leave this list open to all OASIS members and accept contributions.
BUT subscription does not automatically obtain voting status this is still
only by application to the chair and on completion of the probationary
period. The list of voting members was published in the minutes of the
conference call September 10 Actually mailed as "Conference Call 8/10/01
Minutes" from David Fischer.
If I receive no formal objection before 12:00 midnight October 5, 2001
(Pacific Daylight time) the list will remain open to all OASIS members. If
I receive any objection this issue will be formally discussed and voted on
at the next scheduled conference call after that date.
This information will be published on our web pages very soon.
Ian Jones
Chair OASIS ebXML Messaging Services TC
> *Tel: +44 (0)29 2072 4063
> * Fax: +44 (0)29 2072 4137