OASIS ebXML Messaging Services TC

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RE: [ebxml-msg] Issue 15: Use of the word OPTIONAL

  • 1.  RE: [ebxml-msg] Issue 15: Use of the word OPTIONAL

    Posted 02-13-2002 23:35
    I gave in too easily.  The subject line says " Issue 15: Use of the word
    OPTIONAL".  The text of issue 15 is shown below.  So either the subject
    line is referencing the wrong issue or the discussion is about the word
    "OPTIONAL" and not about the cardinality of the Role element.
      <title>RFC2119 usage</title>
      <locus>line 784</locus>
      <section> PartyId element</section>
      <originator><a href='mailto:chris.ferris@sun.com'>Chris
      <description><a href
    email]</a> use of the term OPTIONAL here may be confusing given the
    conformance statement. Suggest that this be rephrased as follows:  The Role
    element, if present, ... (technical/editorial)  Other instances of OPTIONAL
    where ordinality is meant:<p/>
     * 500 (MIME start parameter)  * 1801, 1814 (Signature element in Message
    Status Request &amp; Response)  * 1822, 1842 (StatusRequest and
    StatusResponse elements; really, the service is OPTIONAL)  * 1905, 1955
    (Signature element in Ping &amp; Pong)</description>
      <proposal>make suggested change</proposal>
    Martin W. Sachs
    IBM T. J. Watson Research Center
    P. O. B. 704
    Yorktown Hts, NY 10598
    914-784-7287;  IBM tie line 863-7287
    Notes address:  Martin W Sachs/Watson/IBM
    Internet address:  mwsachs @ us.ibm.com
    David Fischer <david@drummondgroup.com> on 02/13/2002 06:29:54 PM
    To:    Martin W Sachs/Watson/IBM@IBMUS
    cc:    Christopher Ferris <chris.ferris@sun.com>, ebXML
    Subject:    RE: [ebxml-msg] Issue 15: Use of the word OPTIONAL
    Yes Marty, I understand.  This issue is trying to change the Messaging
    Specification functionality to REQUIRE that everyone implement Role and
    allow it
    to be in the message From/To zero or one time.  This is NOT what we agreed
    I also understand this has implications for CPA, which I have already
    with you on a CPA conference call.
    I suppose we could ask the implementers we know of if this will mean a
    for their code?  What about implementors we don't know about?  We have
    voted not to change functionality.  The point is that we added Role as
    and now, after the last bell, we are trying to change.