OASIS ebXML Messaging Services TC

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FW: ebMS 3.0 MEP-binding values, case sensitive or insensitive?

  • 1.  FW: ebMS 3.0 MEP-binding values, case sensitive or insensitive?

    Posted 04-08-2008 18:19

    [Tried to post this to the comment list but receiving Mailer-Daemon errors. This is a comment on a minor possible typo-level error or inconsistency in the ebMS 3 core. ]

    In section D.3.1

    ·         PMode.MEPbinding: The transport channel binding assigned to the MEP (push, pull, sync, push-and-push, push-and-pull, pull-and-push, pull-and-pull, …). The value must be a URI, e.g: http://docs.oasis-open.org/ebxml-msg/ebms/v3.0/ns/core/200704/push.

    In section F.2.4.5

    Rule CM4-e: Two-Way/Push-and-Push

    In V3, this MEP will map to an exchange of two messages in V2, where the second message refers to the first one using RefToMessageId (as in V3). The agreements map as follows:

    Option 1: (signals may be sent back on underlying response)
    V2 (CPA): (leg 1 and leg 2) syncReplyMode= mshSignalsOnly.
    V3 (P-Mode): PMode.MEP="Two-way", PMode.MEPbinding="Push-and-Push". PMode.ErrorHandling.Report.AsResponse="true". PMode.Reliability.ReplyPattern="Response".

    Option 2: (signals may NOT be sent back on underlying response)
    V2 (CPA): (leg 1 and leg 2) syncReplyMode= none.
    V3 (P-Mode): PMode.MEP="Two-way", PMode.MEPbinding="Push-and-Push".
    PMode.ErrorHandling.Report.AsResponse="false". PMode.Reliability.ReplyPattern different from "Response".

    So, in some cases, we have “Push-and-Push” and in some cases “push-and-push”

    I propose that the values be used in a case-insensitive way by implementations.