OASIS ebXML Messaging Services TC

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RE: [ebxml-msg] Section TimeToLiveElement

  • 1.  RE: [ebxml-msg] Section TimeToLiveElement

    Posted 12-12-2001 14:40
    The spec states a message must be persisted prior to sending an Acknowledgment (7.5.2 - 2b). I think Marty is suggesting the application will somehow be checking/polling the persistent store for messages? I guess I was expecting some kind of an interface in which the MSH would dispatch or pass the file(s)/payload(s) to the application. In any case, since we have not defined any such beastie, we cannot dictate its use. Given these constraints, the order should be 1) receive the message, 2) persist the message (may or may not be in persistent store -- persistent store is not required by the spec), and 3) send the Acknowledgment. TTL would define the time by which 1 and 2 must occur. We cannot dictate when the application will actually pick up the message/payloads. It seems quite strange that we might send an Acknowledgment and then delete the message prior to hand-off to the application because TTL had passed? Actually, we don't delete the message from persistent store until after persistDuration, which should be considerably longer than TTL. I can't think of any reason to delete the message prior to passing it to the application. What if the application is down for a couple of days? What if there is a week-long power outage? There is no reason to assume the MSH and the application reside together (they could be half-a-world apart). When the application becomes available, it needs to process its queue. All messages should still be there regardless of whether TTL or persistDuration has passed. Regards, David Fischer Drummond Group.