(from the compatibility section proposal)
MEP mapping rules (between V2 and V3):
rules define how V2 header elements that control the MEP in use and its
mapping to the underlying protocol, map to V3 and vice versa. Also define how
CPA elements that control ebMS V2 MEPs map to P-Mode parameter and vice-versa.
(a) In
V3: One-Way / Push, with no ebMS signal and no reliability acknowledgments on
the response (back-channel), will map to V2 message sending with syncReplyMode=none
in the CPA (and no SyncReply element in eb2 header).
In V3: One-Way / Push, with possibly ebMS signal and reliability
acknowledgments on the response (back-channel), will map to V2 message sending
with syncReplyMode= mshSignalsOnly in the CPA (and SyncReply element in eb2
)In V3: Two-Way / Sync, with no ebMS signal and no reliability acknowledgments
on the response (back-channel), will map to V2 message sending with
syncReplyMode= responseOnly in the CPA (and SyncReply element in eb2 header).
The V2 response refers to the request using RefToMessageId.
In V3: Two-Way / Sync, with possibly ebMS signal and reliability
acknowledgments on the response (back-channel), will map to V2 message sending
with syncReplyMode= signalsAndResponse in the CPA (and SyncReply element in eb2
header). The V2 response refers to the request using RefToMessageId.
In V3: Two-Way / Push-and-Push will map to two One-way in ebMS2, where the
second message refers to the first one using RefToMessageId. Each one of the
two messages is handled as in (a) or (b).