OASIS ebXML Messaging Services TC

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Spec Problem -- Re: [ebxml-msg] XPath Transform question...

  • 1.  Spec Problem -- Re: [ebxml-msg] XPath Transform question...

    Posted 03-04-2002 22:10
    There seems to be an error in the latest spec, lines 1077 and 1078.
    ancestor-or-self::() should be ancestor-or-self::node()
    Thanks to Jeff Turpin for pointing this out to me.  I feel that the spec 
    should be updated to reflect this, unless there is something I am not 
    Matthew MacKenzie
    On Monday, March 4, 2002, at 05:07  PM, Matthew MacKenzie wrote:
    > Messaging Gurus:
    > I've been having a problem applying this XPath transform, from the spec 
    > because it returns a BOOLEAN instead of a node list.  I'm using the 
    > latest XSS4J, and this is the only piece that will not work.
    > Is the following transform correct?
    > not(ancestor-or-self::()[@SOAP:actor="urn:oasis:names:tc:ebxml-
    > msg:actor:nextMSH"] | ancestor-or-
    > self::()[@SOAP:actor="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/actor/next"])
    > There doesn't seem to be anything there to select nodes, as I've seen 
    > in other transforms people are doing with XSS4J
    > TIA for any help you can provide.
    > Matthew MacKenzie
    > XML Global R&D
    > PGP Key available upon request.
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    Matthew MacKenzie
    XML Global R&D
    PGP Key available upon request.