You said:
P. 49, Line 2009.
The MessageOrder element MUST be used with the duplicateElimination
attribute set to true.
These words require using MessageOrder whenever duplicateElimination used.
I do not believe that messageOrder should be required when using
duplicateElimination. I suggest that the words be:
The value of the duplicateElimination attribute MUST be set to "true"
when the value of the messageOrderSemantics attribute is set to
Martin W. Sachs
IBM T. J. Watson Research Center
P. O. B. 704
Yorktown Hts, NY 10598
914-784-7287; IBM tie line 863-7287
Notes address: Martin W Sachs/Watson/IBM
Internet address: mwsachs @
SHIMAMURA Masayoshi <> on 11/30/2001 03:07:51 AM
To: Doug Bunting <>,
Subject: [ebxml-msg] Re: Comments on the 1.09 about MessageOrder
On Thu, 29 Nov 2001 10:44:32 -0800
Doug Bunting <> wrote:
> I think this change would disallow using the Message Order feature with
> underlying reliable communications protocol. Duplicate elimination is
> necessary at the MSH level regardless of the reliability of the
> communications protocol because that protocol can't know what duplicates
> "matter". However, retries ensuring the message got to the destination
> be done below the MSH level.
> The problem with this change is really our convention Once-and-Only-Once
> means the MSH level is doing everything. If we made it more clear this
> could include reliable communication protocols to get to the same
> reliability, I'd be fine with this change.
How about following definition for Once-and-Only-Once?
P. 49, Line 2009.
The MessageOrder element MUST be used with the duplicateElimination
attribute set to true.
The MessageOrder element MUST be used with delivery behavior of
Once-and-Only-Once. In the specification, the Once-and-Only-Once
delivery behavior means that two conditions below are satisfied at
same time:
1) No lost message by one of following two mechanisms
- Reliable messaging described in "7.5 ebXML Reliable Messaging
Protocol". It means that the messages includes AckRequested
element or Acknowledgment element.
- Reliable communication protocol
2) No duplicate message by the mechanism described in "7.5.6
Duplicate Message Handling". It means that duplicateElimination
attribute is set to true.
SHIMAMURA Masayoshi <>
TEL:+81-45-476-4590(ext.7128-4241) FAX:+81-45-476-4726(ext.7128-6783)
Planning Dep., Strategic Planning Div., Software Group, FUJITSU LIMITED
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