OASIS ebXML Messaging Services TC

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Re: [ebxml-msg] Errata Format and Style etc

  • 1.  Re: [ebxml-msg] Errata Format and Style etc

    Posted 11-07-2002 19:05
     MHonArc v2.5.2 -->

    ebxml-msg message

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    Subject: Re: [ebxml-msg] Errata Format and Style etc

    I would much prefer this document be a 'tidy' HTML document and that it 
    liberally use links to tie the comments into the PDF version of our 
    specification.  (Are links in to a PDF document possible?  Guess we 
    could fall back to linking into the Word document.)
    Beyond that delivery and linking issues, I don't have many qualms with 
    this format.  The introductory material may not be necessary but also 
    doesn't cause a problem.
    In the final section, you've included a few "act liberally" comments. 
     I'd recommend we act a bit more forcefully about at least the SOAP 
    non-compliance issues (if this can be classed as such).  Even for the 
    clarification around SyncReply in a synchronous reply, we should 
    recommend both parsing such a response without error and not creating 
    one in the first place.  As a general rule, we should balance acting 
    liberally on receipt with recommendations to clarify the options for 
    Mike Dillon - Drummond Group wrote:
    >Hi all,
    > Attached is a draft of the Errata format
    > that Ian has graciously furnished and I 
    > have filled in some sections for ebXML Messaging.
    > I am looking for any comments on style, format...
    > I will continue to update the items from the various
    > interops, ebxml-msg@lists.oasis-open.org the 
    > requirements and other sources, and send out 
    > an update next week.
    > thanks !
    > mike dillon
    > mike@drummondgroup.com
    > 817 875 0794 

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