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New documents available and Kavi not sending notices (or email is justslow)...

  • 1.  New documents available and Kavi not sending notices (or email is justslow)...

    Posted 08-20-2003 18:54
     MHonArc v2.5.0b2 -->

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    Subject: New documents available and Kavi not sending notices (or email is justslow)...

    Since I have not received a notice about the document I just uploaded or 
    the new version of the issues list I added this morning, I wanted to let 
    everyone know these things exist!
    Setting aside the Requirements list mentioned in my previous email, the 
    updated issues list [1] contains new issues mentioned on our email list 
    since March 2003, captures much of the recent (last few days) 
    conversations on our list and updates older issues 82, 92 and 158 to 
    reflect other email discussion.  Everything after (and including) issue 
    230 has been updated or is new.
    I would appreciate a careful read of these changes to ensure they 
    reflect everyone's idea of the current state of the discussions.
    I would also appreciate everyone who believes they submitted issues via 
    email ensure they are captured in the list.  If you sent something (such 
    as participated in the "Application versus MSH" discussion) between 1 
    June and 1 August, the priority is less since I am planning to run 
    through those emails soon.
    SunNetwork 2003 Conference and Pavilion
    "An unparalleled event in network computing! Make the net work for you!"
    WHEN:  September 16-18, 2003
    WHERE: Moscone Center, San Francisco
    For more information or to register for the conference, please visit:

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