OASIS ebXML Messaging Services TC

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[ebxml-msg] Re: Comments on the 1.09 about MessageOrder

  • 1.  [ebxml-msg] Re: Comments on the 1.09 about MessageOrder

    Posted 12-05-2001 07:13
    David, On Tue, 04 Dec 2001 23:09:57 -0600 David Fischer <david@drummondgroup.com> wrote: > Has this been decided? Are we going to allow only ebXML RM for MessageOrder? > > David. I believe it was decided in the specification V1.0 already. The V1.0 says: messageOrderSemantics attribute ... If deliverySemantics is not OnceAndOnlyOnce and messageOrderSemantics is set to Guaranteed then report the error to the From Party with an errorCode of Inconsistent and a severity of Error (see 871 sections 10 and 11). [Line 870-872, P.23] I re-send my proposals for MessageOrder for your convenience. Because I revised a part of my proposals in < http://lists.oasis-open.org/archives/ebxml-msg/200111/msg00325.html > and < http://lists.oasis-open.org/archives/ebxml-msg/200112/msg00004.html >. Following includes the revisions. -------- Please change section 10 as following: P. 49, Line 1993-1994. It is highly RECOMMENDED that Reliable Messaging be used when a MessageOrder element is present. V Reliable Messaging MUST be used when a MessageOrder element is present. P. 49, Line 1997. SHOULD V MUST P. 49, Line 2009 This line should be deleted, and insert following sentences after line 2016. When the value of the messageOrderSemantics attribute is set to guaranteed , delivery behavior Once-and-Only-Once MUST be used. In the specification, the Once-and-Only-Once delivery behavior means that two conditions below are satisfied at same time: 1) No lost message by one of following two mechanisms - Reliable messaging described in 7.5 ebXML Reliable Messaging Protocol . It means that the messages includes AckRequested element or Acknowledgment element. - Reliable communication protocol 2) No duplicate message by the mechanism described in 7.5.6 Duplicate Message Handling . It means that duplicateElimination attribute is set to true. P. 49, Line 2021. only when duplicateElimination is true. V only when delivery behavior is Once-and-Only-Once. P. 49, Line 2023. If duplicateElimination is not true V If delivery behavior is not Once-and-Only-Once P. 49, 2025-2026 that have a duplicateElimination attribute with a value of true V that have delivery behavior is Once-and-Only-Once P. 50, Line 2044 and 2046. when duplicateElimination has a value of true V when delivery behavior is Once-and-Only-Once P. 50, Line 2050 and 2052. When duplicateElimination is true V When delivery behavior is Once-and-Only-Once Because guarantee of message order can be realized only when delivery behavior is Once-and-Only-Once. Actually in the Message Service specification V1.0, guarantee of message order can be specified only when delivery behavior is Once-and-Only-Once. Please consider following case: MessageOrderSemantics: Guarantee Delivery behavior: At-Most-Once (duplicateElimination is true and AckRequired is not used). +----------+ ---- Message (SN=1)---> receiving ---- Message (SN=2)---> MSH ---- Message (SN=4)---> +----------+ In this case, receiving MSH is not sure that the Message of SN 3 will reach after that. It might never reach forever. It means that receiving MSH can't decide that when the Message of SN 4 should be passed to application. -------- Regards, -- SHIMAMURA Masayoshi <shima.masa@jp.fujitsu.com> TEL:+81-45-476-4590(ext.7128-4241) FAX:+81-45-476-4726(ext.7128-6783) Planning Dep., Strategic Planning Div., Software Group, FUJITSU LIMITED