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proposed T2 con-call Wed 8/29 8:00 am PDT

  • 1.  proposed T2 con-call Wed 8/29 8:00 am PDT

    Posted 08-27-2001 17:43
    Everyone who signed up for T2, Specifically, as cited in the minutes of the kick-off mtg in Dallas, that would be: Brad, Arvola, David F, David B (lead), Colleen I'll add myself to that list. Others are encouraged to join if they can commit to contribute to this effort. I just spoke to David B. He appologizes for not being on the call. But he gave up after 10-15 minutes of being on hold. I brought him up to speed on today's discussion. He agrees that we need to start working the identified issues to get the non-controversial issues resolved and turned over to the editing team for incorporation into the 1.1 draft. We'd like to schedule a T2 con-call for this Wednesday 8/29 8:00 am PDT, 10:00 am CDT, 11:00 am EDT for an hour to discuss moving forward with issue resolution as was discussed in today's call. Unless a majority have difficulty with this proposed time, I'll make the con-call arrangements and send them to the list by EOB today. Proposed agenda: - review status - David B - next steps - all - assignment of issues - all Cheers, Chris