OASIS ebXML Messaging Services TC

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RE: [ebxml-msg] Interaction between AckRequested,DuplicateElimination,and SyncReply elements

  • 1.  RE: [ebxml-msg] Interaction between AckRequested,DuplicateElimination,and SyncReply elements

    Posted 03-27-2002 16:05
     MHonArc v2.5.2 -->

    ebxml-msg message

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    Subject: RE: [ebxml-msg] Interaction between AckRequested,DuplicateElimination,and SyncReply elements

    In earlier versions of the spec when we had only the concept of Reliable
    Messaging and not separate control of AckRequested and DuplicateElimination,
    it was clear that whenever a receiver receives a reliably delivered message
    that is not a duplicate, it is obligated to at least make a persistent copy
    of the message ID as well as a persitent copy of the first response message.
    When a received reliably delivered message is determined to be a duplicate,
    the receiver is supposed to return the saved first response message.
    Now that AckRequested and DuplicateElimination can be controlled separately,
    it is not clear whether the behavior to save the first response message and
    to return the saved first response message in reply to a duplicate message
    is triggered by the AckRequested element or by the DuplicateElimination
    I would have preferred that the above behavior be triggered by the
    DuplicateElimination element. However, Version 2.0 rev C indicates that the
    above behavior should only be exhibited by the receiver MSH if the
    AckRequested element is present.