OASIS ebXML Messaging Services TC

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[ebxml-msg] RE: Note on current restricted scope of [ebxml-cppa]authenticati on policies/model in CPA/MSH

  • 1.  [ebxml-msg] RE: Note on current restricted scope of [ebxml-cppa]authenticati on policies/model in CPA/MSH

    Posted 01-17-2002 21:33
    >You are also right in noting that specifying trust anchors does not in
    itself constitute a complete
    >authentication policy-- it is at best a component of the authentication
    >Explicit checks on the DN, issuer serial number, etc might be used to check
    >And identity might be variably mapped (ACLs) to resources depending on
    >action, role, and other parameters. Those more elaborate authorization
    issues are not things
    >treated in the current maintenance version.
    I'm concerned Transport Security Policy is including informatioon about
    Trusted CA
    issuers (as part of TrustedAnchors) and not TrustedClients, which means that
    security information is incomplete w.r.t. capturing of relevant
    authentication policy 
    information. In the specific example of SSL mutual authentication (for which
    the CPA/CPP 
    spec has included relevant TransportClientSecurity and
    components) between 2 colloborating parties' MSHs if we will exploit from
    the CPA/CPP's
    TrustAnchor, i.e., Trusted CA Roots information, then we should also be able
    maintain TrustedClient or TrustedDomains information.
    In my original suggestion of including TrustedClient information in the
            <element name="SecurityDetails">
                                    <element ref="tns:TrustAnchors"
    minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>> 
                                    <element ref="tns:TrustedClients"
    minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>>
                                    <element ref="tns:SecurityPolicy"
    minOccurs="0" maxOccurs=unbounded"/>>
                                    <any namespace="##other"
    processContents="lax" minOccurs=unbounded"/>>
                            <attribute name="securityId" type="ID"
            <element name="TrustClients">
                                    <element name="TrustedClientCertificateRef"
    type="tns:CertificateRef.type" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
    the intention is that we validate the incoming client cert chain using
    TrustedAnchors and
    then validate that incoming client is trusted using the TrustedClients or
    of the receiver. This is a simple DN level authorization. If we decide not
    to include any 
    TrustedClient element in the SecurityDetails, i.e., such trust policy info
    will not be available in
    the CPA, then we will need to atleast point that out that as a system
    configuration step of 
    the receiving MSH such authentenctication policies will need to be enforeced
    via local 
    adminsteration of the transport system, e.g., web server. TrustedClient or
    scope could be applicable to botuh Transport and Message level security.
    some discussion needs to be added to Sections 1.2.3 (Opperational Policies
    Constraints) and/or (Non-Persistent Authorization).
    >We are waiting to review specs of other groups before taking on
    authentication or authorization. 
    >Agreements on credentials for username/password tokens will need to use 
    >encryption,  for example, so we are waiting on xml encryption being
    >The SAML and XACML groups may eventually produce specs usable for
    >some security policy expressions. So we are in a way avoiding getting into
    too much
    >detail here while some other supporting specs get finished.
    I'm particpating SAML group which definitely needs to be applied to ebXML
    I believe we have had some discussions about this before in this group.
    However, I think we should separate out the layers of authentication events
    include a general section in the ebXML Messaging specification that spells
    the Authentication Mode for Messge Exchanges. For example, I propose
    addition in the ebXML Messaging spec something along the following:
    ebXML Authenticated Message Exchange Model
    ebXML Messaging system supports:
    1) Transport-level authentication (e.g., SSL mutual authentication for HTTPS
    transport option)
    2) Message-level authentication
    3) Document-level authentication
    SSL certificate based mutual authentication is applicable to transport level
    security (e.g.,
    over HTTPS) to verify trustworthy connection sessions between ebXML
    parties's sending and receiving
    transprot systems (MSHs), for example over the HTTPS protocol.
    Digital Signature over the ebXML message and/or explicit application of SAML
    Credential is applicable to the message level security in support of
    of message originating party. Both of these may be used independent of
    transport security 
    and can provide application level authorizations.
    Document-level authentication provides capabilities to verify the identities
    of document
    originators, which may or may not be the same principals as message
    Obviously, the lack of a concrete transport independent authentication and
    authorization scheme being employed in ebXML seems to be the root problem