OASIS ebXML Messaging Services TC

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Re: [ebxml-msg] Discussion: payload reference for use in SOAP body.Survey of options before writing this up.

  • 1.  Re: [ebxml-msg] Discussion: payload reference for use in SOAP body.Survey of options before writing this up.

    Posted 05-20-2004 18:23
     MHonArc v2.5.0b2 -->

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    Subject: Re: [ebxml-msg] Discussion: payload reference for use in SOAP body.Survey of options before writing this up.


    Yes, soapBody would be a special literal. If we use SOAP:Envelope relative XPath, we lose an interesting side effect of being able to specify xpath on ANY payload, not just the SOAP one. I don't know if we want that side effect.

    Personally, I want to go toward one content identification syntax. Even if we go toward:


    ...that is cool to me as well. It has a consistent theme.


    On May 20, 2004, at 3:10 PM, Pete Wenzel wrote:

    Thus spoke Matthew MacKenzie (mattm@adobe.com) on Thu, May 20, 2004 at 12:54:42PM -0300:
    So, something like the following may be a good idea..:

    cid:<soapBody | attachmentID>[#XPath]

    Producing the following valid URIs...


    The last 2 assume that we assign special meaning to the literal
    "soapBody", right? Otherwise we'd have to require an ID attribute on
    the element to be referenced. cid: really doesn't seem appropriate
    for these cases. Wouldn't a fragment with XPath automatically assume
    the correct base URI (the current document)?


    Or something like that?

    Pete Wenzel <pete@seebeyond.com>
    Senior Architect, SeeBeyond
    Standards & Product Strategy
    +1-626-471-6311 (US-Pacific)

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    Matthew MacKenzie
    Senior Architect
    IDBU Server Solutions
    Adobe Systems Canada Inc.
    +1 (506) 871.5409

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