OASIS ebXML Messaging Services TC

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RE: [ebxml-bp] Re: [ebsoa] Re: [ebxml-bp] Closing the gap between MSI and BSI and move on

  • 1.  RE: [ebxml-bp] Re: [ebsoa] Re: [ebxml-bp] Closing the gap between MSI and BSI and move on

    Posted 02-04-2005 18:17
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    Subject: RE: [ebxml-bp] Re: [ebsoa] Re: [ebxml-bp] Closing the gap between MSI and BSI and move on

    Here begins a rare disagreement with John.
    I am dubious that the CPPA is the right place to try to define the way
    the BSI is deployed in an environment containing software playing a MSH
    The CPPA represents the agreement about parameters defining expectations
    concerning selected options for the collaboration protocol used by
    business process participants. That means it really only deals with
    configuration of the public process, not the private process. The
    private process is not something a collaborator "gets a say in," so to
    speak; so their agreement on these internal employment details is
    neither required nor solicited. 
    And it is the configuration of private process details that a deployment
    and configuration technology would need to address. I don't believe that
    either WSBPEL or anything in the WS-Policy area addresses this area
    squarely either. Some aspects might be touched upon by things like J2EE
    deployment descriptors (clearly not deployment environment neutral), and
    even within that tradition, deployment descriptors are not uniformly
    loved (search on Deployment Descriptors: the Achilles' Heel of J2EE or
    similar). I also think that if we spec out too many requirements in this
    area we endanger the loose-coupling of the underlying SOAP based
    messaging. Finally, too many requirements can lead us to a situation in
    which we begin to appeal to end users who have a totally blank canvas
    upon which to build. Very few of these around, no matter what the size
    or sophistication of their IT infrastructure. 
    Anyway there's my $.02 of reservations.