OASIS ebXML Messaging Services TC

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  • 1.  Propsals from Shan Harter

    Posted 08-16-2005 15:18
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    ebxml-msg message

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    Subject: Propsals from Shan Harter

             below is an e-mail submitted by Shan Hartner with the attachements removed and plced directly on our repository with the links at the bottm of the e-mail. This should make it easier for everyones e-mail servers/slow links as the attachments would total about 900K.
           Sorry, I have been a little slow passing this out due circumstances beyond my control.  Speak to you tomorrow - the meeting notice will follow shortly.
    In the Word attached document, I am submitting it for community use and adoption as the group sees fit.
    You will see that the act of utilizing the MSH is completed with action verbs such as:
    See page 21.
    This document is not 100% complete, but with it and the use cases you'll get a clear definition.
    I have also attached some use cases.
    In the Pull-MODULE-MOU.pdf, the following is supported/addressed by the attached document
    1. Is supported
    2.1. Is supported (the queue or Sending MSH is in a server role providing the receiving MSH data to be retrieved)
    2.2. Supported
    2.3. Supported (manual CPA)
    3.1. Supported
    3.2. Supported
    3.3. Supported - this is covered by a directory request. See 7.2.2 Directory Request Message,  Payload Requirements and 7.2.3 Directory Response Message and a few others.
    3.4. Supported
    4.1. Supported, with ack receipt
    4.2. Supported, with ack receipt
    5.1. see delivery status... and others...
    5.2. believe we do this as well...
    Attached is also an example log showing how a sending MSH (thin client) would act if it was sending and receiving from a "provider" (server) MSH.
    Shan Harter
    VP of Project Services
    PEBS, Inc.
    Tempe Arizona, 85284
    ph:  480-756-6777 Ext 205, 
    fax: 480-756-9755, cell: 602-821-2951
    http://www.oasis-open.org/apps/org/workgroup/ebxml-msg/download.php/14066/ebXMLClientReceivingMSHExample.txt <http://www.oasis-open.org/apps/org/workgroup/ebxml-msg/download.php/14066/ebXMLClientReceivingMSHExample.txt> 
    http://www.oasis-open.org/apps/org/workgroup/ebxml-msg/download.php/14067/ebMSH-Hub-Spoke-Transport.doc <http://www.oasis-open.org/apps/org/workgroup/ebxml-msg/download.php/14067/ebMSH-Hub-Spoke-Transport.doc> 
    Ian Jones

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