OASIS ebXML Messaging Services TC

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Re: [ebxml-msg] Issue 15: Use of the word OPTIONAL

  • 1.  Re: [ebxml-msg] Issue 15: Use of the word OPTIONAL

    Posted 02-14-2002 09:09
    My recollection was that Role was introduced so as to
    a) support RosettaNet better and b) to make it easier to
    map the incoming message to a process state in the
    choreography (BPSS) referenced by the CPA.
    I believe that "optional" in the case of Role was
    referenced to its cardinality (e.g. a message need
    not contain a Role element under To and From).
    However, a receiving MSH would have to be able to
    receive a message that contained this information.
    It doesn't have to use it, but it cannot fault if
    it gets one.
    IMO, it is only optional w/r/t whether the application
    choses to supply this information (and/or consume it)
    it is NOT OPTIONAL to support from an implementation's
    perspective. However, the *nature* of that support
    is certainly up to the implementation/vendor beyond
    the ability to receive a message containing said element.
    That said, I don't believe that this is an OPTIONAL
    issue but one of cardinality.
    Martin W Sachs wrote:
    > So you are saying that it is OK for a software vendor to decide not to
    > implement the ROLE element.  Then each vendor has to supply a catalog
    > stating which OPTIONAL elements he/she does not provide.  A customer has to
    > check every vendor's catalog to make sure that the OPTIONAL elements that
    > the customer requires are supported.  What if next month, the same customer
    > discovers that he/she needs one more element that the newly purchased
    > software doesn't support?
    > Of course I can't believe that that is what you really mean.  However a
    > vendor that understands RFC2119 will interpret the MSG spec in exactly that
    > way,  Use of OPTIONAL for a purpose other than to indicate that a vendor
    > doesn't have to support this particular major feature can lead to an
    > interoperability disaster.  One can eliminate the words OPTIONAL and MAY
    > without changing any syntax or semantics.
    > Regards,
    > Marty
    > *************************************************************************************
    > Martin W. Sachs
    > IBM T. J. Watson Research Center
    > P. O. B. 704
    > Yorktown Hts, NY 10598
    > 914-784-7287;  IBM tie line 863-7287
    > Notes address:  Martin W Sachs/Watson/IBM
    > Internet address:  mwsachs @ us.ibm.com
    > *************************************************************************************
    > David Fischer <david@drummondgroup.com> on 02/14/2002 12:08:25 AM
    > To:    Martin W Sachs/Watson/IBM@IBMUS
    > cc:    Christopher Ferris <chris.ferris@sun.com>, ebXML
    >        <ebxml-msg@lists.oasis-open.org>
    > Subject:    RE: [ebxml-msg] Issue 15: Use of the word OPTIONAL
    > Marty,  I don't disagree with your premise.  We do need to avoid the word
    > OPTIONAL unless that is really what we mean.
    > Doug/Chris' Issue 15 concerns OPTIONAL in relation to the Role element.  At
    > the
    > bottom of the issue, it also says there are other instances...
    > I just went through the document again and I don't disagree with any of the
    > instances where we use OPTIONAL.  Ping/Pong (w/ or w/o signature), Message
    > Status, MessageOrder are all truly OPTIONAL items for implementers.  The
    > only
    > one I'm not sure about concerns Transfer Encoding on HTTP (I'm too lazy to
    > research this at this time of night).
    > Outside of the definitions, we use the word *OPTIONAL* 13 times and
    > *optional* 3
    > times (twice concerning the id element -- which maybe is not truly
    > optional).
    > Perhaps the problem is in section 1.1.1 and our definition of OPTIONAL?  It
    > says:
    >    ... An implementation which does not include a
    >    particular option MUST be prepared to interoperate
    >    with another implementation which does include the
    >    option, though perhaps with reduced functionality ...
    > which we do by supplying the NotSupported Error.
    > Regards,
    > David.