Thanks for the quick response. On 27 May 2011, at 12:39 PM, Pim van der Eijk wrote: > > Hi Theo, > > I think the example is wrong here, and the spec is correct. > The only thing that has to match between request and user > message is the MPC, and the user message should be of a > PMode that is expected with this MPC. Your assumptions > about being able to queue a signed message and for messages > to be pulled from intermediaries seem correct to me, and > your implementations seems to make the correct choices. If > a UserMessage has a RefToMessageId, it is a reference to a > previous UserMessage that it is a business response message > to. (This would never happen in AS4 as it is limited to one > way exchanges, but could happen in ebMS3.) It is not a > reference to the PullRequest. > > Examples are the non-normative part of the spec, so there is > no major issue here, but it is something that has to be > added to the list of errata to address, some time in the > future. > > Pim -- Regards Theo