Please discuss and consider the
following drafts for fulfilling the requirements of form the AS4
subcommittee on Wednesday TC call.
The intent and purpose of the formation
of the AS4 subcommittee within the OASIS ebXML Messaging Services v3.0
TC is the development of a Conformance Profile and any other supporting
documentation deemed necessary of the ebMS v3.0 specification. This
profile, to be entitled "AS4: Secure B2B Document Exchange Using Web
Services", will provide guidance for a
standardized methodology for the secure and document-agnostic
exchange of B2B payloads using Web services. By
constraining the ebMS v3.0 specification and the underlying WS-I
profiles for messaging packaging, transport, security, and
non-repudiation, the proposed profile will focus on providing an
entry-level on-ramp for Web services B2B messaging. The end goal of
this profile development is to replicate and strategically extend the
existing functional requirements currently satisfied by RFC4130
(AS2) by mapping those
requirements onto the Web
services platform.
+ Conformance Profile of the ebMS 3.0 specification entitled "AS4:
Secure B2B Document Exchange Using Web Services"
+ Deployment and/or Implementation guidance document(s) as necessary