OASIS ebXML Messaging Services TC

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Re: [ebxml-msg] Issue 41: Acknowledgment/RefToMessageId element

  • 1.  Re: [ebxml-msg] Issue 41: Acknowledgment/RefToMessageId element

    Posted 02-13-2002 16:01
    Doug Bunting wrote:
    > This issue points to a fundamental and inconsistent change in the 2.0
    > specification when compared with the 1.0 version.  We have previously agreed
    > and documented in numerous locations that ebMS signals referencing a
    > particular incoming message must be sent in a message that uses the
    > MessageHeader/RefToMessageId element appropriately.
    > David has suggested this addition (which was not discussed by the group since
    > I rejoined) supports bundling acknowledgements.  What makes acknowledgements
    > special in this regard?  What about errors, responses to multiple message
    > status requests, et cetera?
    > I recommend we remove this element, especially because it is required and
    > would normally just duplicate the value appearing in
    > MessageHeader/RefToMessageId.
    > thanx,
    >     doug
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