OASIS ebXML Messaging Services TC

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  • 1. AgreementRef

    Posted 03-21-2007 17:18
    1541 - @type: This REQUIRED attribute indicates how the parties send and
    receiving the message will interpret the value of the reference.
    Notice that the @type is a REQUIRED attribute of eb:AgreementRef. The
    example at line 1536 does not include the @type attribute. All the examples
    I have looked at that contain the eb:AgreementRef element do not include the
    REQUIRED @type attribute.
    Either the samples should be updated or @type should be changed to OPTIONAL.
    It would probably make sense to add wording along the lines of what is in
    the spec for eb:Service/@type. Line 1555 - There is no restriction on the
    value of the type attribute. If the type attribute is not present, the
    content of the Service element MUST be a URI (see {RFC2396]). Etc.
    Apologies if I had sent this issue to the list before. I vaguely recall
    commenting on the issue before, but I can't locate the email.