OASIS ebXML Messaging Services TC

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RE: [ebxml-msg] Section TimeToLiveElement

  • 1.  RE: [ebxml-msg] Section TimeToLiveElement

    Posted 12-13-2001 00:24
    The point is that the MSG spec can't make assumptions on the manner in
    which the message gets from the MSH to the application.  There is a lot of
    designer's choice in that.
    One way of interpreting David's "the MSH would dispatch or pass the
    file(s)/payload(s) to the application."  is that there is a transactional
    protocol between the application and the MSH that delivers that message to
    the application.  Even then, there is a lot of designer's choice.  That
    transactional protocol would probably be between the MSH and some
    middleware element, not the "application code" as described in the BPSS
    document.  The only sensible event that can be used to determine if
    timeToLive is exceeded is the abstract notion of the MSH notifying the
    upper level that a message is ready to be processed.
    However, after reading Dan Weinreb's posting, I agree with him that
    timeToLive is really a parameter that determines whether a message received
    from the network is too stale to deliver to the application.  Therefore, as
    Dan said, the event of interest is receipt of the message by the MSH.
    You can't send an acknowledgment and then discard the message.  That's
    out-and-out lying to the From party. Using Dan's approach, everything is
    fine"  Receive message; check whether time to live has been exceeded;
    delete message if TTL is exceeded; persist message and send acknowledgment.
    I agree that system failure and recovery is irrelevant.  The TTL that the
    MSH deals with should be strictly related to receiving the message from the
    network.  If the application needs to decide whether a message is too stale
    to process, that's an application design matter, not an MSH matter.
    Martin W. Sachs
    IBM T. J. Watson Research Center
    P. O. B. 704
    Yorktown Hts, NY 10598
    914-784-7287;  IBM tie line 863-7287
    Notes address:  Martin W Sachs/Watson/IBM
    Internet address:  mwsachs @ us.ibm.com
    David Fischer <david@drummondgroup.com> on 12/12/2001 09:36:20 AM
    To:    Martin W Sachs/Watson/IBM@IBMUS, david.burdett@commerceone.com
    cc:    ebxml-msg@lists.oasis-open.org
    Subject:    RE: [ebxml-msg] Section TimeToLiveElement
    The spec states a message must be persisted prior to sending an
    (7.5.2 - 2b).  I think Marty is suggesting the application will somehow be
    checking/polling the persistent store for messages?  I guess I was
    some kind of an interface in which the MSH would dispatch or pass the
    file(s)/payload(s) to the application.  In any case, since we have not
    any such beastie, we cannot dictate its use.
    Given these constraints, the order should be  1) receive the message, 2)
    the message (may or may not be in persistent store -- persistent store is
    required by the spec), and 3) send the Acknowledgment.  TTL would define
    time by which 1 and 2 must occur.  We cannot dictate when the application
    actually "pick up" the message/payloads.
    It seems quite strange that we might send an Acknowledgment and then delete
    message prior to hand-off to the application because TTL had passed?
    we don't delete the message from persistent store until after
    which should be considerably longer than TTL.
    I can't think of any reason to delete the message prior to passing it to
    application.  What if the application is down for a couple of days?  What
    there is a week-long power outage?  There is no reason to assume the MSH
    and the
    application reside together (they could be half-a-world apart).  When the
    application becomes available, it needs to process its queue.  All messages
    should still be there regardless of whether TTL or persistDuration has
    David Fischer
    Drummond Group.