OASIS ebXML Messaging Services TC

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[ebxml-msg] Proposed CPP/A schema changes to deal with ebMS permessage parameters

  • 1.  [ebxml-msg] Proposed CPP/A schema changes to deal with ebMS permessage parameters

    Posted 11-19-2001 18:15
     MHonArc v2.5.2 -->

    ebxml-msg message

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    Subject: [ebxml-msg] Proposed CPP/A schema changes to deal with ebMS permessage parameters

    At last week's ebxml-msg TC F2F meeting, it was agreed that the duplicateElimination attribute (under QualityOfServiceInfo) and the AckRequested element (under soap:Header)will in principle be treated as parameters that are adjustible on a message by message basis. Trading partners may specify in the CPA that they have agreed that these parameters are variable per message, or that these parameters are to be fixed at certain values, for a given delivery channel.
    Accordingly, I am proposing the following changes/additions to the CPP/A schema:
    - Rename the existing Characteristics element under DeliveryChannel as BusinessProcessCharacteristics.
    - Add a MessagingCharacteristics element under DeliveryChannel.
    - Add AckRequested and DuplicateElimination elements under the MessagingCharacteristics element, as follows:
     <element name="MessagingCharacteristics">
        <element ref="tns:AckRequested"/>
        <element ref="tns:DuplicateElimination"/>
     <element name="AckRequested">
       <attribute name="perMessageCharacteristics" type="tns:perMessageCharacteristics.type" default="perMessage"/>
       <attribute name="includeInMessageHeader" type="boolean" default="false"/>
       <attribute name="actor" type="tns:actor.type"/ default="toPartyMSH">
       <attribute name="signed" type="boolean" default="false"/>
     <element name="DuplicateElimination">
       <attribute name="perMessageCharacteristics" type="tns:perMessageCharacteristics.type" default="perMessage"/>
       <attribute name="value" type="boolean" default="false"/>
     <simpleType name="perMessageCharacteristics.type">
      <restriction base="NMTOKEN">
       <enumeration value="fixed"/>
       <enumeration value="perMessage"/>
     <simpleType name="actor.type">
      <restriction base="NMTOKEN">
       <enumeration value="nextMSH"/>
       <enumeration value="toPartyMSH"/>
    - If the perMessageCharacteristics attribute (under AckRequested and/or DuplicateElimination) is 'perMessage', then both parties have agreed that AckRequested and/or DuplicateElimination can be varied per message. Furthermore, the sender would by default make use of attributes under the AckRequested and DuplicateElimination elements within the CPA to populate the AckRequested element and duplicateElimination attribute in the ebXML message. For example, if the includeInMessageHeader attribute under AckRequested is true, then an AckRequested element will be constructed with its actor and signed attributes populated accordingly in the ebXML message. Of course, the sender is free to populate the AckRequested element in the ebXML message differently, based on other criteria (if the CPA stipulates that this is to be treated as perMessage).
    - Conversely, if the perMessageCharacteristics attribute is 'fixed', then both parties have agreed that AckRequested and/or DuplicateElimination) must always be set to the same values as indicated in the CPA under the AckRequested and DuplicateElimination elements for the corresponding DeliveryChannel. In this case, the sender is required to make use of attributes under the AckRequested and DuplicateElimination elements within the CPA to populate the AckRequested element and duplicateElimination attribute in the ebXML message. For example, if the value attribute under DuplicateElimination is true, then the duplicateElimination attribute under QualityOfServiceInfo will be set to true. Any deviation from the agreed upon fixed values would cause the receiver MSH to return an error.
    Please let me know if you see a problem in the suggested schema change, or if I have mis-represented the decision reached last Thursday.

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