There have been SOAP1.1 schema[1] updated so as to a) fix errata
and b) use XML Schema REC. I might suggest that we adopt these
instead of the one I hacked together to get a parser to
accept our schema.
Arvola Chan wrote:
> Doug:
> I tried removing the ds, xlink, and soap namespace declarations. XML
> Authority reports lots of errors on the resulting schema, one of which is:
> Imported schema must have a target namespace in order to 'import'.
> Namespace information will be lost.
> Therefore, I don't think it is OK to remove these namespace declarations.
> I didn't realize that the schema in
> namespace is for SOAP 1.2. In
> that case, it would be inappropriate for us to use the schema directly
> available from that location. Still, I think section 2.3.2 is
> technically incorrect, because it currently states:
> "
> The SOAP namespace:
> resolves to a schema conforming to an early Working Draft version of the
> W3C XML Schema specification, specifically identified by the following URI:
> "
> Thanks,
> -Arvola