Attached document has in section 2 a description of a set of
scenarios involving errors in processing bundles, and
illustrates chapter 3, in particular sections 3.4 and 3.9.
Section 1 is not about bundles at all, it is added to show
how bundles extend ebMS core message handling in case of
Scenario (11) indicates that the description in section 3.4
in draft 43 is incomplete.
My proposal is to be more precise in the next draft and
state that an EBMS:0030 error situation causes all units in
the bundle to fail. Comments welcome.
The examples assume that a receiving MSH does not send
eb:Receipts for message units that have errors.
If they should, these should be added to the examples 11-14.
I'm sending this in as a separate document rather than
incorporate this in a draft 44 so as to not confuse people.
Please review draft 43 before next week's meeting.
Original Message-----
From: pvde@sonnenglanz.net [mailto:pvde@sonnenglanz.net]
Sent: 28 September 2009 13:37
To: ebxml-msg@lists.oasis-open.org
Subject: [ebxml-msg] Groups - ebMS3-part2-V43.odt
(ebMS3-part2-V43.odt) uploaded
Reworked chapter 3, taking into account the TC review at
last week's meeting.
A new section 3.9 on error handling that hopefully improves
on the previous drafts.
-- Mr. Pim van der Eijk
The document revision named ebMS3-part2-V43.odt
(ebMS3-part2-V43.odt) has been submitted by Mr. Pim van der
Eijk to the OASIS ebXML Messaging Services TC document
repository. This document is revision #13 of
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