OASIS Web Services Interactive Applications TC

RE: [wsia] Re: RE: [wsrp] Sessions and Transient Entities

  • 1.  RE: [wsia] Re: RE: [wsrp] Sessions and Transient Entities

    Posted 06-13-2002 15:02
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    Subject: RE: [wsia] Re: RE: [wsrp] Sessions and Transient Entities

    You are the second person who commented on the order of the columns ... is
    the consensus that should they be inverted?
    In looking at your gif, I would say you captured the essense of things
    reasonably. Changes I would suggest include:
     - The WSIA/WSRP interface/protocol do not participate in the Web Browser
    to Web Server connection. Maybe someday we will have browsers that can act
    as Consumers, but since todays browsers are not aware of our protocol it
    will confuse readers to imply the protocol applies.
     - While it may be a common occurence that a Consumer chooses to initiate a
    Session as a result of the browser connection, that is an implementation
    choice of the Consumer rather than a protocol specified aspect.
     - As was mentioned relative to the glossary today, the generalized term
    for what was a portlet is an entity. It would be good to eliminate the
    redundant terms everywhere.
     - I would suggest that the last paragraph above the Consumer read:
          Consumer may choose to partition entities into sessions however it
    sees fit,
          subject to the Producer enforcing any policies it has regarding
    session sharing.
     - Not sure exactly what the last paragraph above Producer means ... may
    just need clarification.
    Do others find this gif useful ... should it be included in the followon to
    the 0.1.2 document?
                          Rex Brooks                                                                                    
                          <rexb@starbourne.        To:       Eilon Reshef <eilon.reshef@webcollage.com>, "'Rex Brooks'" 
                          com>                      <rexb@starbourne.com>, wsia@lists.oasis-open.org,                   
                          06/13/2002 01:50         cc:                                                                  
                          PM                       Subject:  RE: [wsia] Re: RE: [wsrp] Sessions and Transient Entities  
    As I was trying to get this process down to the most basic and simple, I
    diagrammed it using a component diagram. The problem I had with the chart
    in the 0.1.2 version of the spec is that it read right to left in terms of
    the flow from the origination of the process with an end user request. I
    know that this was done because the end point of the process is the
    end-user but I wasn't able to keep the flow straight in my mind as I read
    down over the four pages it spans. Also, it covers just about all the
    variations of flow and types of properties, entities and calls. I found I
    was better able to use that chart with this diagram in hand. However, I
    still have problems following Sophisticated to Simple and Simple to
    Sophisticated within the chart context.
    Also, it would be helpful to know if what I diagrammed is essentially
    correct or not, so I attached it. it is a .gif file so you can view it in a
    web browser or insert it into another program to view it.
    At 9:09 PM -0400 6/12/02, Eilon Reshef wrote:
    Rex,�We are all trying to simplify the interface. If we can achieve the
    same results (namely, Portlet Grouping/Scoping) without the need to have an
    explicit interface for creating sessions, we are all better off.�Eilon