OASIS Emergency Management TC

  • 1.  DE F2F June 28-30

    Posted 06-18-2010 15:28
    We we will be having the DE F2F meeting June 28-30 as tentatively 
    planned.  A draft agenda was posted last week along with some details 
    about location, lodging, etc.  Thanks to Don McGarry, Mitre will be 
    providing a facility to include phone and Internet support for our 
    meetings.  Several companies are supporting their personnel time as 
    well as travel expenses for the meeting.  The OASIS EI Member Section 
    is also contributing $5,000.  This will help to pay some travel costs 
    for those who do not have coverage elsewhere.  We would welcome ANY 
    offers for food (breakfast/lunch/dinner/breaks) from any company, 
    organization or individual that would like to help out!
    If you were a key participant in the F2F meeting on the DE in Philly, 
    I assume you will be participating in this June meeting and you have 
    already gotten an email from me.  Any member of the TC that is up to 
    speed on these topics and has a contribution to make is welcomed to 
    attend.  This is NOT a voting TC meeting.  This is a F2F meeting for 
    the purpose reviewing use cases and finalizing the requirements for 
    the DE 2.0.  It is a work of the Infrastructure Subcommittee.
    If you plan to attend in person or via phone, please reply to this 
    email so we will make sure there is enough space and phone lines.  If 
    you have any questions or issues, let me know.
    Elysa Jones, Chair
    CTO Warning Systems, Inc.

  • 2.  RE: [emergency] DE F2F June 28-30

    Posted 06-18-2010 16:22
    I'll be there in person.