OASIS Emergency Management TC

  • 1.  RE: [emergency] Use Case

    Posted 04-18-2008 03:01
    We will probably end up just saying that the conformance section 
    requirements are sufficient without giving any other criteria.
    For me, the issue is not conformance, it is "how much" of the RM spec 
    do we want to ask producers to implement in order to make a 
    "Statement of Use? However much of the spec is implemented, it needs 
    to satisfy the conformance requirements. The key concept in the RM 
    conformance section is in Level 2 where "it" refers to an EDXL-RM 
    b)   it produces a conforming Level-2 EDXL-RM Message when such a 
    message is expected.
    What we haven't decided is what "expected" means. It can be one of 
    our specific Message Types, Level 1 conformance, Level 2 conformance 
    or all of them.
    I'm not going to dig in my heels on this. Getting the spec approved 
    trumps my desire to ensure that the messages for a minimum resource 
    lifecycle is implemented. My concern is that a producer could confuse 
    the minimum requirement for a "Statement of Use" with a 
    TC-recommended practice.
    At 5:03 PM -0400 4/17/08, Dwarkanath, Sukumar wrote:
    >Elysa et al
    >We did nail down a position for HAVE - the Statement of Use will be 
    >based on the conformance section in the Standard. For HAVE, we have 
    >defined the conformance targets and provided a definition of a 
    >'conformance target'
    >I am not sure why we are revisiting this issue - the below positions 
    >seem to be specific to RM, and if so, it should dealt in the 
    >conformance section for RM. I will let the MSG SC members weigh in 
    >on this - but, I am sure they have discussed this to some extent. I 
    >am not in favor of overloading the statement of use.
    >From: Elysa Jones [mailto:ejones@warningsystems.com]
    >Sent: Thursday, April 17, 2008 10:30 AM
    >To: emergency@lists.oasis-open.org
    >Subject: [emergency] Use Case
    >TC Members,
    >We would like to nail down the TC's consensus on what constitutes a 
    >"Use case" in our Standards.  Most of you have been aware of this 
    >topic but we have not nailed down a position.  We must do this 
    >before we can make the big push to get use cases for HAVE and RM. 
    >This topic came up during the EIC meeting yesterday.  There are 
    >several EIC members that know of companies that may want to be the 
    >first or one of the first to advertise such a use case.  We need to 
    >give them specific wording on what constitutes this "use".  OASIS 
    >requires the statement to be in agreement with the conformance 
    >clause of the specification.  We as a TC can cause this to be more 
    >or less stringent and there are schools of thought on both. 
    >Please review the two positions on the matter identified below and 
    >respond to the list on your preference.  Although this does not 
    >require a formal vote of the TC, I want to make sure we have a good 
    >understanding and consensus on how we proceed.
    >Position 1:
    >Comply with the full element reference model - required elements at 
    >a minimum.  If a message is sent that complies with the ERM, then 
    >you can be compliant with any of the specific messages.
    >Deliver a RequestResource message and a ResponsetoRequestResource 
    >message (just 2 messages).
    >If a vendor does either or, for purposes of statement of use and 
    >getting the standard out the door, this should be the minimum 
    >Position 2:
    >Agreed with position 1
    >A complete lifecycle of a "successful" Resource Deployment should be 
    >the minimum:
    >RequestResource >
    >ResponseToRequestResource >
    >RequisitionResource >
    >CommitResource >
    >The messages about the deployment, requesting information, release, 
    >etc are not necessary, just the 5 listed.
    >NOW - please make your comments to the list.  The Mst/Not SC will 
    >schedule a meeting either Fri (4/18) or Mon (4/21) to discuss.  From 
    >this a recommendation will be made.  Respond to this message too 
    >with which date and what times you would be available.
    >Elysa Jones
    >Chair, OASIS EM-TC
    >Warning Systems, Inc.
    Rex Brooks
    President, CEO
    Starbourne Communications Design
    GeoAddress: 1361-A Addison
    Berkeley, CA 94702
    Tel: 510-898-0670

  • 2.  RE: [emergency] Use Case

    Posted 04-18-2008 04:03

  • 3.  RE: [emergency] Use Case

    Posted 04-18-2008 12:47
    I don't have a problem with this, but the fact is that we do need to 
    make a definitive statement for EIC, and I'm not going to stand in 
    the way of moving forward to OASIS approval. So what I would propose 
    is adopting a position that stands behind the conformance section, 
    but draws the distinction between conformance and how much of the 
    specification needs to implemented.
    Perhaps we could say:
    "While the conformance section does not mandate that all specific 
    message types must be implemented, we suggest implementors develop 
    against the set of message types they consider necessary for their 
    purposes. We would appreciate if implementors who are OASIS member 
    companies test their implementations during development and issue a 
    Statement of Use when they are satisfied that their implementations 
    are functioning correctly for the minimum requirements of the 
    conformance section."
    We could fine tune such language to satisfy the needs of EIC for 
    providing guidance on this topic.
    At 12:02 AM -0400 4/18/08, Alessandro Triglia wrote:

  • 4.  RE: [emergency] Use Case

    Posted 04-18-2008 12:52

  • 5.  RE: [emergency] Statement of Use

    Posted 04-18-2008 13:04
    Sounds good to me as well.  
    So, Monday at 11:00 AM ET we'll hopefully conclude discussion and move on
    from there. 
    Good weekend to everyone.