OASIS Emergency Management TC

Fwd: [emergency-comment] Fwd: CAP Implimentation in CompassLDE

  • 1.  Fwd: [emergency-comment] Fwd: CAP Implimentation in CompassLDE

    Posted 08-05-2004 06:03
     MHonArc v2.5.0b2 -->

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    Subject: Fwd: [emergency-comment] Fwd: CAP Implimentation in CompassLDE

    Ok, and now forwarding to the TC list.
    Elysa: can you please add this to the CAP 1.0 Issues list? While it 
    does not appear to be a candidate for errata, it is a comment and we 
    try to maintain those in that spreadsheet.
    Thanx - Allen
    Begin forwarded message:
    > From: R. Allen Wyke <emergency-tc@earthlink.net>
    > Date: August 5, 2004 1:29:53 AM EDT
    > To: emergency-comment@lists.oasis-open.org
    > Cc: jdm@compasscom.com
    > Subject: [emergency-comment] Fwd: CAP Implimentation in CompassLDE
    > Good question JD. I have forwarded this to the EM TC Public Comment 
    > list.
    > Begin forwarded message:
    >> From: "J.D. Main" <jdm@compasscom.com>
    >> Date: August 4, 2004 12:35:59 PM EDT
    >> To: emergency-tc@earthlink.net
    >> Subject: CAP Implimentation in CompassLDE
    >> Reply-To: jdm@compasscom.com
    >> Allen,
    >> CompassCom plans to add the CAP message to our API and thus
    >> make our Mobile Asset Tracking product line "CAP Compatible"  I
    >> understand the format and purpose of the CAP message.  I am a bit
    >> fuzzy on where they would come from in a real implimentation.   In a
    >> real sense, I must set up a CAP listener - who is broadcasting?  Is
    >> there a process of registering an implimentation of my application 
    >> with
    >> those agencies who would broadcast a CAP message?  My apologies
    >> if these questions seem basic, but I have not discovered any
    >> documentation to clear this up.
    >> Please let me know what you think.
    >> Best Regards,
    >> J.D. Main
    >> CompassCom, Inc.
    >> 6770 S. Dawson Circle, Unit 1A
    >> Centennial, CO 80112
    >> PH:  303-680-3221
    >> Fax:  303-766-2488
    >> www.compasscom.com
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