OASIS ebXML Messaging Services TC

Re: [ebxml-msg] Comments on SyncReply

  • 1.  Re: [ebxml-msg] Comments on SyncReply

    Posted 11-06-2001 20:53
    I suggest rephrasing (1) as:
    If syncReply is set to true and if the CPA indicates an application
    response is included, then it must be the case that the application
    has not finished processing the earlier copy of the same message.
    Therefore, wait for the response from the application and then
    return that response synchronously over the same connection that
    was used for the retransmission.
    If you take a look at the minutes for the 10/22 call
    you will see that the resolution for issue 9 is recorded as:
    "CPPA team will be asked to include a mshSignalsOnly sync reply
    In other words, the sender should set syncReply to true if the CPA
    indicates a syncReplyMode other than "none". If the receiver sees
    syncReply=true and the CPA indicates mshSignalsOnly, then it
    will return only the Ack synchronously. If the CPA indicates
    signalsOnly, signalsAndResponse, or responseOnly, then the
    MSH must wait for the corresponding application response before
    returning that response (along with the Ack) synchronously.
    For better alignment between MSG and CPPA, I propose that we
    replace the syncReply boolean attribute with the same
    syncReplyMode attribute used in the CPP/A.