OASIS Emergency Management TC

Re: [emergency] Enhanced EDXL templates with include ofannotations

  • 1.  Re: [emergency] Enhanced EDXL templates with include ofannotations

    Posted 02-22-2008 23:59
    Thanks David,
    I'll add it to my list of tools and probably use this weekend to cut 
    down on the work of building the database tables for my application.
    At 4:20 PM -0700 2/22/08, David RR Webber \(XML\) wrote:
    >I managed to build a xslt utility that scans the EDXL xsd and 
    >extracts out the documentation in the XML format CAM uses for 
    >annotations.  Obviously a huge time saver!
    >I've updated the EDXL samplers and they are available from the CAM wiki:
    >  http://wiki.oasis-open.org/cam/EDXL
    >Enjoy, DW
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    President, CEO
    Starbourne Communications Design
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