OASIS Darwin Information Typing Architecture (DITA) TC

International dial-in numbers

  • 1.  International dial-in numbers

    Posted 10-05-2010 14:00
    Hi everybody,
    Here are all of the available numbers for our regular TC meeting. Remember,
    the passcode this week returns to normal after our difficulties last week
    (normal passcode = 730614).
    Thanks -
    | Country              | Toll-free            | Toll               |
    | Australia            | 1-800-24-2283        |                    |
    | Austria              | 0800-292-738         | +43 179576264      |
    | Belgium              | 0800-7-3026          | +32 22006114       |
    | Canada               | see the USA number   | see the USA number |
    | China North          | 10800-711-0770       |                    |
    | China South          | 10800-110-0713       |                    |
    | Czech Republic       | 800-143-241          | +420-272-133-001   |
    |                      |                      | or                 |
    |                      |                      | +420-533-413-001   |
    | Denmark              | 80-888377            | +45 38323070       |
    | Finland              | 0800-914-630         | +358 972519061     |
    | France               | 0800-902366          | +33 157323040 or   |
    |                      |                      | +33 157323041      |
    | Germany              | 0800-181-6323        | +49 6951709081     |
    | Greece               | 00-800-11-004-9793   |                    |
    | Hungary              | 06-800-16-381        |                    |
    | Ireland              | 1800-558728          | +353 16569209      |
    | Israel               | 1-809-317-098        | +972-3-9165956     |
    | Italy                | 800-788634           | +39 0269430413     |
    | Japan - KDD          | 00531-11-3180        |                    |
    | Japan - Cable &      | 0066-33-801263       |                    |
    | Wireless             | 0044-22-112668       |                    |
    | Japan - Softbank     | 0034-800-900155      |                    |
    | Telecom              |                      |                    |
    | Japan - NTT          |                      |                    |
    | Mexico               | see the USA number   | see the USA number |
    | Netherlands          | 0800-022-8558        | +31 20513 4100     |
    | Norway               | 800-18373            | +47 24159528       |
    | Poland               | 0-0800111-1712 or    | +48 22 366 5400 or |
    |                      | IBM PlusGSM 85400    | +48 22 609 5400    |
    | Portugal             | 800-8-11111          |                    |
    | Russia               | 8-10-800-2-172-10-44 |                    |
    | Slovakia             |                      | +421 2 4954 6539   |
    |                      |                      | or                 |
    |                      |                      | +421 2 4964-9935   |
    | South Africa         | 0800-981-078         |                    |
    | Spain                | 900-95-1089          | +34 912754171      |
    | Sweden               | 020-799414           | +46 850163259      |
    | Switzerland          | 0800-564-331         | +41 58 333 7337    |
    | United Kingdom       | 0808-234-1969        | +44 2070260533     |
    | USA                  | 877-421-0033         | 770-615-1250       |
    Robert D Anderson
    IBM Authoring Tools Development
    Chief Architect, DITA Open Toolkit