hi Patrick,
i've done a review of the attributes in the text namespace in the ODF 1.2
committee draft.
chapter 18
according to Oliver Specht, for an inactive page variable,
a page-variable-get expands to nothing. also, an inactive page
variable is not incremented.
i'm not sure i see a problem here. if a single bibliography contained
multiple templates for e.g. book, wouldn't that create a
inconsistently formatted bibliography?
and how would you choose which one you want for an entry?
i would seriously doubt that whoever wrote this had any ISO
terminology in mind. probably better rewrite it to
"The attribute specifies...".
it seems to me that "the whole text" would be the concatentation of
the other two options.
sorry, no idea...
ok, seems somewhat redundant.
note1: yes
note2: well, this is just an example (that would probably belong to
the description of text:fixed). if an author field were fixed,
it would display the author that marked it fixed.
i don't understand why there would be a conflict?
in case you insert a new note, and the default-style-name applies,
then the new note paragraph will have that style. if that style has
auto-update="true", then changing the properties of the paragraph
will change the style. i don't see a problem with that.