Hi Ptrick,
I'm not attending myself, but David Coggeshall with whom I work on
several EM-related projects is attending, and his efforts do include
EDXL standards as part of the "Common Operating Picture" he is working
on. He is also working with Carnegie Mellon Silicon Valley, a relatively
new campus on NASA Ames grounds at Moffet Field close to Google in the
Silcon Valley Joint Venture Resiliency Center. I can report on what went
on at next week's Events and Demos meeting.
Patrick Gannon wrote:
> Anyone in the San Francisco Bay area able to attend any of this meeting?
> It's sponsored by Microsoft, Google, Yahoo.
> Craig Fugate, FEMA Administrator, is keynote on Fri morning.
> http://randomhacksofkindness.eventbrite.com/
> Patrick Gannon
> President & COO
> Warning Systems, Inc.
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