OASIS Web Services Interactive Applications TC


  • 1.  [wsia][wsia-requirements][E408]

    Posted 05-08-2002 03:40
     MHonArc v2.5.2 -->

    wsia message

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    Subject: [wsia][wsia-requirements][E408]

    my proposal is to add an requirement about the knowledge of state of
    Producer by Consumer. A use case would be a pending operation on producer's
    side that is waiting for final commit. This should be known to the consumer.
    Think of a User who is going to terminate the application. Something like a
    popup "do you want to save changes" would be necesarry. Therefore I see the
    need for an easy "State Protocol".
    original Version:
    R408 [Functionality] ["Customized"]
    It should be possible for the WSIA Web Service Producer to indicate to the
    Consumer that it has completed its interaction with the end-user, and that
    the Producer has reached the final state of the Producer's execution.
    Debate: GG, SR, ER, SB, RK.
    Note: in this case, the output markup and property values (see below) being
    returned are "final".
    Should we add another requirement about knowledge of state of Producer by

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