OASIS LegalDocumentML (LegalDocML) TC

  • 1.  Groups - US Code Supersection Dump ca. 2001 uploaded

    Posted 12-27-2012 11:07
    Submitter's message I've posted a listing of US Code supersections that was done in 2001. It is no doubt out of date in the details, but is still valid as to major subdivisions. Note the different use of labels for the same levels in the hierarchy from TItle to Title -- comparing Titles 7 and 38 will provide an example. Label names are used inconsistently WRT to different hierarchical levels, and of course Titles vary as to the number of hierarchical levels they incorporate; none are mandatory. In other words, the structure of the Code between the section and Title levels is not precoordinated, but added as insertions are made or as topical subdivisions suggest themselves.
    -- Tom Bruce Document Name : US Code Supersection Dump ca. 2001 Description A listing of all supersections within the US Code as of 2001. Meant to illustrate the inconstency of label correspondence to hierarchical level of internal aggregations within the Code. See, eg., the differences between Titles 7 and 38.

    Undoubtedly out-of-date now, but still valid for the major structure that might concern us. Download Latest Revision Public Download Link Submitter : Tom Bruce Group : OASIS LegalDocumentML (LegalDocML) TC Folder : Documents Date submitted : 2012-12-27 03:07:16

  • 2.  [legaldocml] - TC of today

    Posted 12-27-2012 12:39
    Dear All, today several members of the LegalDocML TC are in holidays and there is the serious possibility to not have the necessary quorum. Fabio and I suggest to move the next teleconference at 9th Jan. 2013, regular time. Agenda: US code scenario. About the US code, let me thanks Tom for all the material provided. We will study in deep these documentation for the next teleconference. I hope that everybody find ok this decision. Happy new year 2013! Yours, Monica